Hallo!!, My name's Silaporn Lastname Amonmanorom Nickname Atom
My birthday's 17 november1999 now, I'm 13 year old . I'm study Class 2/6I'm
at Kanchanapisakwittayalai suphanburi school . My favorite's musicien and
I can play Guitar , Violin . Because ,I like all strings instruments it vary much!! .My favorite color's Blue or all color cool . My dears friends's Titirat namkang ,
Wijittra keadlap , Supatchaya phosri or all my friend in class 2/6 .
My favorite subject's computer and english , music classic .
My parants's Saller at my home , Object it saller very much!! OMG!! .
I will be to Musician and I'm going to go to play music instrument Foreigns !! .
My Idol's Sungha Jung (Guitarists)
Julia Fisher (Violinist) .
Myfavorite kind of music is classic .